Research on the Structure of Financial Capital, Value and Element Capital 财务资本、价值和要素资本结构研究
Practice and discussion about the capital element's sharing the work. 资本要素参与分配的实践与探讨。
Capital ratios are an important element, Mr Ackermann said. 资本金比率是一项重要的因素,阿克曼说。
Or ( 2) changing the fundamental? structure of accounting elements, adding another "capital" element or eliminating the difference between liability and equity. 或(2)改变会计要素的基本结构,通过增加第三个资本要素或消除现行负债和权益的区别,来满足这种既有负债特征又有权益特征的经理人股票期权的处理。
Production factors turn into the capital of key element the value and appreciation of various kinds of capital of key element form the financial value of the enterprise through the marketing process. 生产要素经过市场交易过程被企业购入之后,变为要素资本;各种要素资本的价值及其增值形成企业的财务价值。
Regional economic growth relies on the spatial agglomeration and optimization of elements of production. As capital is the key element in the concentration process, setting up Western Development Bank will help the spatial agglomeration in western China. 区域经济增长是各种生产要素空间集聚与优化的结果,资本是生产要素中的核心集聚要素,西部开发银行的设立则有助于生产要素在西部地区的空间集聚。
Xuzhou City City social stratification impetus from three main sources: Market economy caused by industrialization and marketization of social stratification is an important driving force, the human capital element is the primary factor. 徐州市城区社会分层动力有三大来源:市场经济所造成的工业化与市场化是社会分层的重要动力,人力资本因素是其中的首要因素;
The capital element takes a general effect on the economic development by influencing the labor employment, the technical advancement, the adjustment of industrial structure, the reallocation of resource in the region. 在区域经济发展过程中,资本要素通过影响劳动就业、技术进步、产业结构调整、资源配置等对经济发展产生不同作用。
The lack of capital element during new rural area building 论新农村建设中的资本要素缺失
Human capital is the essential element in the growing of regional economy so that the level of human capital of one area becomes one of the motives which determines the development of this area. 人力资本是区域经济增长的主要因素,一个地区的人力资本水平也是决定该地区经济发展水平的动因之一。
The capital element is the base of economical development in backward areas. 资本要素是经济落后地区经济发展的基础。
Cultivating and perfecting the human capital element market system and giving play to the encouragement and restrained mechanism of the human capital market; 完善人力资本要素市场,发挥人力资本市场的激励与约束机制;
Firstly, the article discussed that the financial& economical analysis was about the analysis of the distribute process and efficiency of the enterprise's scarce capital element, then constructed this thesis basic framework. 本文首先运用微观经济学的一些基本理论和观点论述了财务经济分析是对企业稀缺的资本要素的配置过程及其效率的分析,并在此基础上构建了本篇论文的基本框架。
The capital is a basic element of economic development. 资本是经济发展的基本要素。
The involvement of capital element in distribution will inevitably occupy other people's surplus labor. Is it in accordance with social fairness and justice? 资本要素参与分配,必然占有他人剩余劳动,这是否符合社会公平正义?
The elements of technology and capital ( including the element of human capital) in agro-economy are unable to realize their value and efficiency that would be realized in so-called general market; 资本(包括人力资本)和技术要素在农业经济中不能实现它们在一般市场中的效率和价值;
Effects of Capital Element's Going to the West and Its Mechanic Selection 资本要素西进的效应及机制选择
The role and contribution of capital element to the development of regional economy 资本要素在区域经济发展中的作用与贡献
Merger and acquisition of companies, as one of the important forms of capital collocation, is also an important measure in realizing capital element circulation and adjustment of industry structure. 企业并购作为资本配置的重要形式之一,是实现资本要素流通和产业结构调整的重要手段。
Top-managers is important investor of enterprise human capital element, his effort degree and operation competence is key factor driving corporation performance. 高级管理人员作为企业重要的人力资本要素投入者,其努力程度和经营才能是驱动公司绩效的关键因素,因而高级管理人员的激励是莫里斯所说激励问题中的重中之重。
The role of TFP contribution to economic growth is more active, and it forms a complementary benefits with the capital element in provinces, which co-stimulating the economic growth. 全要素生产率在经济增长中的贡献作用比较活跃,而且在各个省份与资本要素形成了互补效益,共同对经济增长起拉动作用。
At present, the capital element is still the main factor for leading industries 'dynamic comparative advantage. But the element of independent innovation has begun to play an increasingly important role and in the future will play a leading role. 目前,资本要素仍然是产业比较优势动态转换的主要因素,但自主创新要素已开始发挥越来越重要的作用,并且在今后将发挥主导作用,自主创新是我国比较优势实现动态转换的根本路径。
Human capital, especially the high-quality human capital as an essential element of economic development for a country, is becoming a valuable resource for competing countries. 人力资本,尤其是高能力、高素质的人力资本作为一国经济发展不可或缺的要素,正成为各国竞相争夺的宝贵资源。
Basic conclusion in the thesis ( 1) It is the market mechanism that dominates the financial industrialized development, which characterizes the financial development. And the development is supported by the capital element that chases the profit maximum. 论文的基本结论1、市场机制主导着金融以产业的方式发展是现代金融发展的显著特征,而这种发展又以逐利最大化的资本要素为支撑。
The forth part is the detailed analysis of the company. The main content is to analyze several specific capital operations, using element capital theory as the main tool, in order to summarize the three-layer value creation mode of Tongfang. 第四章是案例的详细分析部分,主要内容为以要素资本理论为主要工具,解析案例企业的几次具体资本运营操作,以此来总结同方股份的三层价值创造模式。
The rapid decreasing elasticity of capital element productivity and the stable increasing elasticity of R& D input-output crossed with each other in year 2002. 迅速下行的资本要素产出弹性与平稳翘起的R&D投入产出弹性在2001年左右相交。
In the era of new economy, intellectual capital becomes key element for core competence. 在新经济时代,智力资本已成为构建企业核心竞争能力的关键要素。
In the era of information, knowledge and skills have become the engines of economic development, human capital this element play an important role in economic growth. 在信息时代,知识和技能成为经济发展的引擎,人力资本这个要素在经济增长中的作用日趋重要。
Working capital is referred to each cycle of an enterprise, such as material procurement, production and product sales. Working capital is a significant element of enterprise assets and can be occupied in the long-term during the production. 营运资金涉及到企业采购、生产、销售、供应各环节,是企业资产重要的组成部分,生产循环中可长期占用的资金,对企业正常经营和发展发挥重要作用。
The development of modern agriculture needs input of funds, technology and labor. And capital as the primary element plays a supporting and facilitating role in the development of agriculture. 现代农业的发展是以资金、技术和劳动等生产要素的高效率投入为前提的,而资金作为现代农业投入的主要组成部分,对现代农业的发展起着支撑和促进作用。